An Unconventional Facial

An Unconventional Facial

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My Truck’s Tool Box

It was an unfortunate happenstance…..

And (unfortunately) this hasn’t been a single once-in-a-lifetime occurrence…..

It’s happened before….

…..apparently I haven’t learned from my mistakes…..

Remember when I mentioned that my older daughter was experimenting with my face(?)…

She wanted to see if she could have an impact (nay…perhaps even a reversal) of seven decades of epidermal abuse & neglect…..

She’s been regularly tackling me…exfoliating me…and moisturizing…and scrubbing…and re-moisturizing my face…..

Snail mucin has been applied…in abundance…(and…I don’t want to know what that is…or means…or how it was procured)…..

…..(But…it’s very slippery)…..

Currently…my daughter is unhappy with me…..

You see…the alternator went out in my truck…(I promise this does have something to do with skin care)…..

…and in between fixing the tractor…and the generator…and in and around the regular afternoon summer thunderstorms…my daughter has been fixing my truck…..

…..and the other day………….I went out to watch…..

She was finishing up…so I helped carry in some tools…and some rags…..

I absentmindedly put a rag in my pocket…the same pocket where I keep my bandana…..

True to form…(and also because it’s late summer in Florida and beastly hot)…I started to sweat…..

Muscle-memory being what it is…I reached in my pocket for my bandana…to wipe my face…..

…..but I got the truck rag instead…..

…..which had been used to clean off battery nodes…with all of their coral reef-looking corrosion…..

*****(Sulfuric Acid & Car Batteries)*****

*******************BIG  MISTAKE*********************

At first I didn’t notice anything…..

But then…..

…..the prickly stinging started…all over my sweaty face…..

And it got worse…I have to admit…I was a little slow on the uptake…..

It got to a point where I could feel my pulse in my skin…..

…..and then I rubbed it…and there was this searing/burning sharp pokey feeling everywhere…..


I may (or may not) tell my daughter…maybe telling the worldwide web in this blog might not be prudent either…..

But I’m hoping that by the time she reads this…my blotchiness will have settled down…..

*************Battery Acid Is A Highly Effective Facial Exfoliant*************

I’d like to say it will never happen again…but over the years…this IS the second time I’ve done this…..

Sooooooo…I just don’t know anymore…all bets are off…..

I did stupid…again…and I don’t want to talk about it anymore…..






#clinique #pantene #autozone #oreillyautoparts #diehard #everstart #interstatebattery #delco

#oilofolay #nivea #ulta #sulfuricacid #lorial #esteelauder #coty #marykay #avon #chanel #dior

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