Amazing Grace at Mickey D’s

Amazing Grace at Mickey D’s


Just when I thought I would succumb to bad, bastardized Muzak during my recent fast-food outing….


I heard the most beautiful gospel singing coming from behind where I was sitting….


Today was a very cold day (for us).  It was actually in the forties when I first got up & looked at the porch thermometer.

Like I said in the previous post………..I was stuck at this McDonalds waiting for a friend to complete her colonoscopal-procedure.

I was really not having a good time…………..I was cranky and chaffing…

Just me, my laptop and Katy and the Bieb-ster.

Miley had been singing about her wrecking ball earlier……………she’s okay.

I like Miley…………..she’s got good pipes…………….I really enjoy how she belts out “Jolene”………………I knew a basset hound once named Jolene…………

But………….I was fed up with the rest of the repetitive wailing and I was heading for the door…

…………………….and that’s when he started singing………………….

Somewhere behind me, this wonderful old man just started singing.


Not too loud.

No one even seemed to take notice.


But his voice was confident and pleasant.  His gospel singing was on key and really good…

He quietly drowned-out the techno-silliness.

I stayed with my tepid McDonalado’s coffee and listened until he was done…

Absolutely beautiful…

I heard him say good-bye to one of the employees behind the counter…

She said, “See you tomorrow”…

And he left…


I watched him walk across the adjoining parking lots and down the busy street.


He didn’t get into any car or truck.

All he was carrying was a cloth grocery bag filled with his non-grocery possessions.


I’m afraid he was homeless or a drifter.


In the winter months, Florida attracts a number of homeless people during the frigid months up north.



I’m glad he stayed in the restaurant for as long as we both did……… was warm inside.


I wonder what’s his back story………………………..?

His voice was beautiful.


I hope he’s all right tonight.








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