All Hallow’s Eve

All Hallow’s Eve


I love Halloween!



It’s always been my favorite…






We live at the end of a dead end road, off of a remote street, connected to an equally long/equally remote boulevard………… a rural area…………which backs up onto over a thousand acres of wetland preserves…


We don’t get many Trick-or-Treaters.

We usually don’t get any.


It’s genuinely spooky out here at night……..

It really is………!




Unfortunately, this year I can’t keep the front gate open (although it probably wouldn’t matter anyway)…………

…………this is because we have two bony Clydesdales and one porky Haflinger in the front yard………..


Those two Clydes do their own very authentic impersonation of Ichabod Crane’s skeletally-skinny horse in the “Haunting of Sleepy Hollow”.

They could easily be mistaken for realistic, animatronic Halloween decorations.



Poppy the pudgy pony……………not so much……………but something tells me that she could & would quickly get used to raiding all the unsuspecting Trick-or-Treater’s candy bags.

I can’t see Poppy saying no to Twizzlers, Snickers, Sixlets, or Three Musketeers bars…………

Her waistline tells me that she hasn’t said “no” to much when it comes to food.

We always have candy available for any brave, ill-advised revelers…………….a lot of it.

I figure, if adventurous, costumed-kids makes it up to our door……………then we really should reward them…


……………plus it’s not a hard decision to want to keep a vast, miscellaneous assortment of candy around…

…………..just in case…


It always gets cleaned up during the first week in November with predictable regularity, anyway.




……………the weather is slightly cooler…

so, that’s a plus…

The air conditioner is finally off…………..well…………..except for the heat of the day…

But at this point, I’ll take whatever I can get…………..

Every night I’ve been sleeping in the den on the couch by the Irish Wolfhound puppies since they were born.

Right by my head on the hearth is our big, big earthenware Jack-O-Lantern.

We keep a candle lit in him all the time……………..all year long…………….he’s part of the family now.

Plus, he makes a warm, cozy nightlight.

…………………like I said, Halloween is one of my family’s favorite holidays…………………

*******Merry Meet~~~Happy Samhain*******











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