All Good Things~~~All Good Things

All Good Things~~~All Good Things

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Well…yesterday…I finally got my ultra-sound…..

…..apparently I don’t have a brooding/potential aneurysm…(What!?!)…..

That’s really good stuff…!?!…..Right?…Woot!…Woot!…..

Dwelling on boring…post-surgery-stuff…..?…..

…..who wants to do that…?…I don’t…..

…..”they” (the medical people) thought I might have a post-surgical clot at my femoral-site from the surgical catheterization…..

So…they suggested (heavily-encouraged) me to get an ultra-sound…..

…..I may have dragged my feet…puttered-around…had other things to do…..

…..(you know The Holidays Happened!)…(there were rum balls to eat)…(presents to wrap)…(etc)…(etc)…..

…..(geez…in print…that looks highly-irresponsible)…..

……I got the ultra sound done…and…tra!…la!…I don’t have blood clots there…..

I have…however…been watching my heart’s rhythm on my finger-oximeter…..

…..and it’s still not regular…(At All)…..

I (slowly) chased down my younger daughter…and clipped the oximeter onto her…for a comparison…..

…..and…it’s not a faulty/stuttering oximeter…(poop)…(it’s me)…..

My daughter has the strong…regular…beat…of a young…healthy heart…..


(I’m a dinosaur…)

………….this aging thing’s a bitch………….

So today…I had my scheduled appointment with my cardiologist…..

…..he could easily hear the beat irregularities with only his stethoscope…..


…(stress test…not an EKG…but you get the electrode idea)…

Here’s a complaint………….why can’t ALL the electrodes from EKG’s be removed after “they” have finished sticking them on me and running a test?…..

…..instead I find them permanently stuck to my back (days later) with a round/sticky/dark silhouette…..

…..or wound in my hair…or the goopy electrodes are folded/rolled/& stuck in my clean laundry basket…and HOW do they get permanently cemented to the inside of the drum of the clothes dryer…..(?)…..

I remember a time when I didn’t even have a doctor…because I didn’t need a doctor…..

…..but I think that was about fifty years ago…..


I should stop complaining………….(but will i?)…..

…..sooooo…they’ve got a heart monitor stuck on me again…I’ve got a button to poke during “episodes”…..


…..(and the beat goes on)…..








#afib #cardiacmonitor #biotelheart #ekg #cardiologist #cardiacsurgeon #oximeter

#atrialfibrillation #prematureatrialcontraction #frozen #pac #prematureatrialcontractions

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