***Aids in Aging***

***Aids in Aging***

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I’ve come of age…..

I’m officially that old woman who arrives at a doctor’s appointment with a plastic bag filled with all my prescription bottles rattling around…..

…..because otherwise…..I forget what I’m supposed to be taking…..

…..when did this happen?…..

…..I still have my beaded/fringed leather vest in the closet…..I’ve kept some platform clogs…..

…..but somewhere along the line…..I got old…..

…..yes I did…..

But here’s something that I wanted to share with you…..

…..I’ve Found The Perfect Pill-Cutter…..

One of my pills needs to be halved…..and it’s Super-D-Dooper hard…..it’s like a rock…..

…..I couldn’t break them by hand…..I have others that are easy to halve…..

…..I couldn’t even cut them in half with the kitchen cleaver on the butcher block…..they would just skid out from under the blade…..and that’s moderately-dangerous for digit maintenance with a slipping cleaver…..

So I got a pill-cutter off the computer…..

…..the first one was a cute little chartreuse-colored plastic thing…..

…..at the very first attempt with this rock-pill…..the poor little green pill-cutter sighed & died…..

My next Amazon purchase was a soldered-metal serious pill-cutter…..

…..and I STILL couldn’t break these rocks with just my hand strength and my new metal monster…..(!)…..

…..I had to resort to a pair of pliers…..to clamp down on the steel and hinge the thing together…..

…..I wasn’t strong enough…..

What Are These Pills Made Of…..(?)…..Cement…..(?)…..

…..Anyway…..it’s a treat getting Old…..

…..It’s still better than the other options…..

Tra!  La!…





#prescription #pillcutter #cardiacmedication #geriatricmedicine #geriatric #losartan #toprol #eliquis

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