Age & Eyeballs

Age & Eyeballs


I’ve got one good eye…..

…..kind of…..

But hey…..

…..things could be worse…..

I try to count my blessings…..whenever I can…..

I went to the eye doctors recently to check up on my wonky eyes…..


…..they’re still wonky…..

To begin with…..I come from the state of Ohio…..

That where it all starts…..

Firstly…..there is a condition called…..


*****Histoplasmosis…..A Fungus Among-Us*****

Apparently…..I grew up in the perfect setting for this disease to get a foot-hold (or an eye-hold)…..

…..histoplasmosis primarily occurs in the Ohio River Basin…..

…’s a bat-guano and/or chicken-poop kind-of-a spore/fungus-thing…..

…..we had chickens on our little farm in Ohio…..

…..and our chickens pooped…..

…..I played in the coop…..(and the poop)—(I had to say that ‘cuz it rhymes)…..

…..I still play in chicken coops…..

So apparently I contracted histoplasmosis when I was little…..

… did my cousin Betty Joe Bob (we played together a lot)…..

…..we never knew…..

…..we never had issues…..

…..until we got older…..

Betty Joe Bob had her’s show up recently as scarring in her lungs…..

…..mine showed up as sudden-onset hemorrhaging in the interior of my eyeball…..(!)…..

…..drama much?…..

Consequently…..there was some hysterical/emergency surgery THAT day along with laser-cauterization to stop the bleeding…..

Everything has been status quo since then…..but regular check-ups are obviously necessary…..

…..just to make sure things stay that way…..

Oh…..and then there’s the macular degeneration to keep an eye on (HA!)…..

…..but it’s the dry drusen-type…..which is better than the wet drusen-type…..

*****Macular Degeneration Explained*****

At the eye doctor’s office…..I was informed that I need to have my eyeball lenses laser-polished (again)…..

…..because my remaining vision has deteriorated & gone to pot…..

…..since getting my cataracts removed six years ago…..

That next lasering has been scheduled in two weeks time…..

All in all…..I’m grateful for the vision that I still have…..

My central-vision loss was only in my right eye…..

…..that has impacted my pin-point/accuracy with my pistol aim…..

……..I just rely more on my shotgun…..

This Is Definitely Not Me

…..a 12-gauge shot-pattern pretty much covers everything…..

“This” Is Me

I guess I’m looking forward to the laser surgery (again)…..

It will clear up things for the next few years…..

I’m glad there’s that kind of technology available…..

…..blessings come in many forms…..

The Swamp Hag





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