~~~Addy Pooped!~~~~~~~(a fecal sojourn)~~~

~~~Addy Pooped!~~~~~~~(a fecal sojourn)~~~

Tra!  La!    Tra!  La!     Tra!  La!

Addy took a dump!

It’s amazing the things you celebrate on a farm…

Horses drinking…

Horses pooping…

…..it’s not just confined to horses, though…..it applies to everybody…….

…..the Trifecta–Of–Life…….

…..(eating, drinking, poo’ing & pee’ing…..and that’s not a trifecta, is it?)…


You become a poop-connoisseur when you work with animals…….

…..is it moist?…….

…..is it formed?…….

…..how much volume?…….

…..any worms?…….

…..what’s the texture?…….

…..what’s the color?…..

…..can you break it apart?…….(and yes, that entails actually touching it…)

Well, right now……..HIP!  HIP!  HOORAY!!!…….Addy has crapped!!!!!

…………………Alert the media!…………………

Seriously…….I was so excited!            And happy!            And verklempt!

It took DAYS!!!          In excess of five (I think).

But finally…….after three gallons of mineral oil having been tubed into her stomach…….

Addy & Her Bags

…..AND three days worth of I.V. bags of fluids…….

…..And now…..after pooping…..all she wants to do is drink out of mud puddles…….(?)…

…..I don’t get it, Addy?

…..But…..now, I can take a momentary deep breath…….

…..and then return promptly to being a worry-wart…….

We’ve started her on ulcer medication…….

We think she has ulcers…….

I think I have ulcers…….

…..hopefully this medication will soothe her stomach and make her want to start eating again…….

Geez…..I feel like I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster and she hasn’t even gone into labor yet.

To add to the worry…..the young veterinarian didn’t feel the baby move today when she was clearing out Addy’s rectum…….

…..Addy was clamping down so hard on the poor woman’s arm that I was afraid she might permanently loose circulation……..

After yesterday’s I.V.’s…..Addy and I went into the front yard for her to graze a bit…….

…..which she didn’t want to do…….

Addy NOT Eating

…..she did lay down to roll (and itch, I think)…….

…..she managed to get up afterwards, with her voluminous belly…….

…..then she TROTTED a bit (I kid you not!)…….

Addy & Brave & My Impromptu Chair

…..and then she unceremoniously crapped…………………(phew)…………………

…..with all of this stress…..now I’m exhausted…..and constipated…….





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