Acacias & His New Doo

Acacias & His New Doo

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Our Puppy-Dude is too fluffy…..

He was a hairy monster…right from the day we got him…..

We love him to pieces…but this is Florida…and it’s summer…and we don’t want him to die…..

So…against all the suggested breed standards…we decided to unceremoniously shave him…..

The Irish Wolfhound

*****(National Dog Groomers Association of America)*****


I’ve never had an Irish Wolfhound as bushy as he is…he has a major “doo” going on…..

…’s outrageous…out of control…easy to matt…easy to collect burrs…rebellious/wayward and frizzy…..

You know………….a pain in the patoot to keep groomed…..

I don’t like grooming…I can easily admit that I haven’t brushed My hair today…I just stuck it in a bun…and I won’t groom a hound before I brush my own hair…..

…..(I’m not sure I’ve brushed my teeth yet today either)…..

…..hang on………….I gotta go do that…..

So having to groom a high maintenance/fluff-bucket of a Wolfhound…who doesn’t like standing still…..

…’s not real high on my list…..

Acacias’ “trimmings”…
More of Acacias’ “trimmings”…

The temperature has started to escalate…and Acacias has started panting…more and more and more…..

He’s made a habit of laying out flat on the tile floor…panting…heavily…..

…..(at this point…I have to add a disclaimer)…..

This is NOT how Irish Wolfhounds should look…..

He is NOT groomed to breed standards…..

…Alpaca or Acacias?…you choose…

~~~~~Do Not Try This At Home~~~~~

We subsequently grabbed one of our many horse clippers…and started shaving…..

After a little while…he settled down…and I didn’t have to sit on his head quite so much…..

And afterwards………….he was much more comfortable…..

He looks like a shaved alpaca…doesn’t he?…..

…..but…he’s alive and cooler…..

I’m sure the “official Irish Wolfhound people of the world” will cringe and criticize…..

But my silly adolescent puppy-boy is happier and healthier as a result…..

…is this a tail or a spinnaker?…

He looks goofy…(but he always has)…..

His coat will grow back…it might even grow back coarser…(and that would be preferable)…..

Acacias and Ben

But most importantly…he’s cooler…and the hotter months are still…right around the corner…..






#coollube #internationallamaregistry #alpacaassociatiosandresources #ilr

#akc #akcbreedstandards #osterclippers #listerclippers #andisclippers #wahlclippers

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