Abusing Coins

Abusing Coins

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Yes I did…..

I lined-up multiple coins on the adjacent railroad tracks…..

…..all this while my older daughter checked in the horses and riders for our recent Opening Hunt Meet with our Fox Hunt Club…..

Creative/Artistic expression can take many forms…..

I never try to judge or criticize…..

…..the coins sqwooshed really good…..

…..I have a great one of Abe Lincoln being stretched out in his copper chair like a pressed ink blot…..

…..there are folded over quarters resembling metallic omelettes…..

One pair of pennies got fused together and now they look like copper moth wings…..

I’m sure when the freight train motored through that a lot of the coins flew and then shook down into the underlying gravel…..

…..but like my daughter said…..

…..future archeologists will find those flattened coins and wonder what happened…..

I didn’t know if it would really work…..I’d only heard about it…..I’d never actually done it…..

…..but it did work…..

It was a fun project…..

…..all made possible by a southbound 150+ car freight train courtesy of CSX Railways…..





#csxrail #openinghuntmeet #railroad #coins #railroadtracks #freighttrain #abelincoln #foxhuntclub

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