A Tree Fell In The Forest…..

A Tree Fell In The Forest…..

Well it did…..

…..and was there a sound…..?…..

Honestly…..I couldn’t say…..I missed the whole thing…..

…..but I saw the aftermath…..

Where fence-lines and falling trees are concerned…..

…..there seems to be a magnetism…..

…..if a tree’s going to flop over…..

…..it’s going to aim for fencing any chance it gets…..

…..and this tree had the chance…..and that’s exactly what it did…..

This sort of issue needs to be addressed promptly…..maybe not completely…..

…..but quickly…..

…..the trunk over the fencing has to be chainsaw’d and the fencing pulled back up…..


…..because our cuddly hounds have proven themselves (in the recent/bloody past) to be very carnivorous and succinctly predacious…..

…..where caprine-happy-meals have been proffered…..

*****Skidmark’s Tragic Demise*****

…..(R.I.P. “Skidmark”)…..


…..and because our goats are stupid…..we have to get the tree trunk chainsaw’d off as soon as possible where it has crushed the fencing down…..

…..otherwise our goatie-darlings will trot across the trunk…..over the fence…..and drop into the awaiting jaws of a Wolfhound or two…..

…..Sam Peckinpah’s blood & guts movies ain’t got nothin’ on what would happen to any slipping/poorly-balanced goat…..

Just pull up a chair and get the popcorn…..


But On A Positive Note


Think of all of the firewood that I will be able to cut and stack and cure before next winter…..!…..


It’ll take me awhile…..but once the trunk has been dispatched safely…..and the fence has been secured again…..

…..I can take my time chain-sawing and lopping my way towards filling up my wood chest and firewood rack…..

…..After all…..happiness is a full wood chest…..

*****Trees…..(a poem by Joyce)*****

“I think that I will never see a poem lovely as a tree…..”

Nice poem, Joyce…..but I don’t see you out there helping with the clean up!?!

***Note to Children:  My Birthday Is A Few Months Away…..I Need A Good Froe…..(just saying)***

~~~Just In Case — ***Gee…Where Can I Buy A Froe For Mom?***~~~






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