*A New Mechanic*

*A New Mechanic*

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Diesel mechanics are hard to find…..

Correctly spelling diesel is hard to do…..

A good deisel mechanic is even harder to find (and spell)…..

…..(“deisel”…is just not right)…..

…..(deslexic much?)…..

…..(dyslexia is also hard to spell)…..

…..(where’s AutoCorrect when you need it?)…..

We think we may have found a combination of the two (“good” and “diesel” and “mechanic”)…(and…that’s three)…..

…..we haven’t met him in person yet…(he was recommended by our feed store guy—who has a lot of diesel delivery trucks)…..

…..but we live in hope…..

All would have been going swimmingly…had we just gotten my truck to Bo (the new mechanic) in a timely manner…..

…..but…such is life…along with some admitted procrastinations…..


…..there we sat…sizzling in the Winn Dixie parking lot…steaming in the 90F+ heat of a sunny Florida afternoon…with melting frozen food…listening to an obviously dead battery…get deader…and deader…..

I guess we dragged our feet too long in that grace period between…finding a new deisel mechanic and actually getting my truck to him…..

I feel like there is another Aesop-ian moral here…..

I’m quite sure there is…(and I don’t want to talk about it)…..

…..however…flash forward…..

…(fyi…frozen okra)…

…..the vegetables are now solidly re-frozen…and a new day dawns…..

I’m confident this new day will entail checking my dead truck’s engine for the batteries’ charge levels…and purchase dates…..

…..and then…making a game-plan…..

…..because we also need to pick up a new (to us) washer and dryer…at the end of the week…..

…..(we’ve been re-wearing under-laundered clothes for too long)…..

I wonder how prompt Bo is going to be?…..

I wonder if he might be that pearl-of-a-mechanic amongst all the other self-proclaimed diesel experts we’ve already been subjected to?…..

Working vehicles and laundered clothes are the perks of life…in sunny sweaty Florida…..

…..(I’m sure it’s time for some essential oils and aromatherapy)…..

(***Here’s an interesting aside…with checking my truck’s batteries…we also checked the purchase dates on my daughter’s truck batteries as well…one said 2020…and one said 2016(???)***PLUS***the last time her truck was returned from our previous diesel mechanic…it came home with virtually empty tanks (it went in full of fuel) along with DESPERATELY needing engine oil (???)***another FYI***When you buy replacement truck batteries…you buy two (2) at the same time***???)…..(***And that’s why we changed mechanics and we’re hoping Bo works out to be both competent & honest***)





#reviveessentialoils #forddieseltruck #classictruck #winndixie #autocorrect

#aromatherapy #essentialoils #vitruvi #edensgarden #rockymountainoils #doterra #nowessentialoils

#nocobatterycharger #dieseltruckbattery #winndixie #floridasummer #deadbattery #aesop #dieselfuel

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