*A Lot About Nothing*

*A Lot About Nothing*

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~~~~~~~Well…If Seinfeld Could Do It~~~~~~~

It goes without mention…that sometimes…I write about inane things…..

…..one could even say boring things…..

I feel that…Gustaf would agree…..

But…I would also like to point out…that inane is in the eye of the beholder…..

It might be that my life is as interesting as two-dimensional/damp cardboard…..

But if I hyper-fixate and blow the ordinary out of proportion…..

…..(I really doubt that has ever occurred)…..

Then the ordinary…become the extraordinary…..!!!!!

I’ve never been identified as an over-reactor…(ha)…..

Maybe I’m a little bit of a harmless prevaricator…..

…..but mostly I just look at things from a slightly different angle or perspective…..

What might appear as mundane to some…can actually be stretched…macraméd…and morphed…(with some extra glitter thrown in just for fun)…..

…..until it’s Totally unrecognizable…..

…..it’s all valid…..

But it makes for a better story…and then…as a result…more fun to read…..

…..(or not)…..

Maybe…just maybe…there have been times when I discuss the pointless and the inconsequential…..

But hey…wasn’t that the entire premise of Seinfeld’s television sitcom?…..

…..a show about nothing…..

*****(Wikipedia on Seinfeld)*****

If Seinfeld could do it…..

…..why can’t I?…..

“They” even refer to it as a show about nothing or the minutiae of daily life…..

But what’s nothing to someone else…can be a lot to the next person…..

Gustaf would agree…and Patrice has no comment…..

…..(I guess I have to add Gustaf to my Glossary Page…he’s become an integral character to my writing)…..

…..(at least he’s not imaginary)…(but…he is an oddly parasitic-looking USB-C to USB-A adaptor)…..


…(Silk Worms…or Gustaf…you decide)…

So see…Life is that faceted gem stone…you look at it through different facets and see a completely different view of the world…..

…..maybe I do write a lot about nothing…but it goes to show…with enough sparkly glitter…everything is more interesting…..






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