***A Great Old Truck***

***A Great Old Truck***

The old girl belongs to my older daughter now…

It’s a cool old truck…

It’s a 1990 Ford F-Series/F-250…with a 7.3 Litre/Diesel/V-8 engine…

***The Coolness Of My Daughter’s Truck Explained***

I drove it for years…

Both my children’s baby seats were strapped in the back…

The truck is either a classic by now, or approaching it quickly…

It has a standard transmission with a clutch pedal push that’s a mile long…

Shifting and stomping is like a chiropractic-adjustment for your lower back…….

…..who needs heated seats…..?

…..when you’re getting an aerobic workout and raising a sweat just to change gears…..?

The only reason why we handed down this truck for my current truck is because my truck now has four-wheel-drive…..

…..that’s a necessity when hauling a loaded/big horse trailer over the muddy/rutted cow pastures at our fox hunt fixtures…..

My Truck

My truck’s a one ton………….my daughter’s truck is a 3/4 ton………….

Her Truck

I have no idea what that really means…..(other than the obvious math difference)…

My truck also has four doors versus two…..easier and bigger…..but I sure do like her truck…

It’s zippy…..(compared to mine)…

It’s a “guy-magnet” for my daughter too…….

…..at stop lights other (male) drivers will call over to her and see if she wants to sell her truck…….

…..or if they can fix her truck…….

…..I’m not sure they are actually talking about her truck…..(?)…

Finding parts is getting harder and harder but we have a GREAT diesel mechanic…

We’ll call him…..Steve…

Steve can find all sorts of goodies in the local junk yards to do his miraculous fixer-upper-magic…


I don’t know how many slave-cylinders…master cylinders…throw-out valves… & clutch-plates the old girl has needed over the years…….

…..but not many brake pads…..(because you can down shift)…

Lots of people gave me a hard time when my daughter was learning to drive…

I had her learn on that truck…

So many people said that she needed to learn on a car (not a truck) with an automatic transmission (not a stick shift)…

My comeback was…….what did all the people successfully learn to drive in the 1940’s?

…..they were all heavy…big boats and they were all standard transmissions…

My daughter’s a good driver…..(I think because of it)…

She’s had bodywork done on her truck in recent years, along with a paint job…

And this morning…..when we picked up her truck from Steve’s garage…..

…..she had AIR CONDITIONING!!!

We don’t know yet if the heater works…….

(you’ll only use it for one day in January)…..

…….but the A/C is working again…….

…..after multiple/multiple/multiple summers of shifting & sweating in sunny Florida…..!

Tra!    La!





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