A Desire…..Nay…..The Need…..

A Desire…..Nay…..The Need…..

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I love Irish Wolfhounds…..

What with all of the poisonous-nasties outside…..I can’t keep them as outside animals…..

…..as a result…..they are all house pets…..all seven of them…..

They don’t have sleek coats like greyhounds or whippets…..

They’re always tangled/hairy fur-balls…..

…..(but then…..so am I)…..

…..(and because I couldn’t keep up with the bush hogging this year…..they are fur-balls filled with burrs right now)…..


In addition to the burrs…..their fur is a dirt-magnet…..

I think I’ve mentioned before…..when the hounds come inside and lay down…..

…..they leave behind sandy-outlines that look like crime-scene chalk silhouettes…..

But I can’t leave them totally outside…..they just aren’t clever when it comes to snakes…..

Killian…Not The Brightest Crayon In The Box…

…..and last week I saw a squished water moccasin on our street…..

…..I swear it was the length of our dining room table…..!…..


So we’ve decided…..we need decking…..


…..because it would act as a buffer to the dirt…..

The hounds would lay on it…..

…..a lot of the dirt would fall off of them…..prior…..

…..to coming inside…..

Muddy Wolfhound Fur

The Wolfhounds not only bring in mud & dirt…..

…..but also…..Spanish Moss…..twigs…..& lots of oak leaves…..

…Lots Of Oak Leaves…

…..but mostly just plain/old sandy dirt…..

Then we could “possibly” be one of those pristine households that you see in magazines…..

…..all white…..or off-white…..or maybe even marginally-ecru…..

HA!…..who am I kidding…..

…..we will ALWAYS have animals in the house…..and dirt…..

…..(that’s why I originally chose our interior color-scheme as something that would go with bile or diarrhea or a little phlegm)…..

…..(and hairballs are usually neutral-tones)…..(they go with everything)…..

…..Hey!…….life happens…..

…..(here…..it usually happens in technicolor)…..

And that’s why we think the decking off the back door would be helpful…..

It won’t make the hounds any less-debris-covered…..

…..but it would allow some marginal clutter to fall off before they traipse inside…..

A Bit More Grandiose Than What I Was Looking For…..(but it’s the general idea)…
A Digging Wolfhound






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