A Decking Project

A Decking Project

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I had an idea…a little while ago…..

If we had a deck…outside the back porch door then…(at the very least)…the hounds would have to traverse over it before coming inside the house…..

…..before dropping all of the sand that was Velcro’ed to their coats and feet while they were outside…..

Maybe…(hopefully)…the pack will ultimately prefer to lay on the deck…rather than wallowing and rolling in the dirt…..

…(not even close to what I imagined…I just like the colors in this photo)…

Well…that was my idea anyway…..

And so…I started drawing up plans…and prepping…..

I did what I thought was the appropriate amount of research into the deck’s construction…..

I purchased a bunch of lumber…and then I bought some more…..

…Runner Ducks…running somewhere…

…(so much lumber that it killed the tailgate of my truck)…(stupid Home Depot helpers)…..

Some people make special beds and toys and cat perches for their dog & cat family members…we’re building a friggin’ huge deck for ours…..

We’re just at the beginning of the project…(notice how “we”…is not so much…”me”)…..

Before now…the Irish Wolfhounds would come straight in from outside with all of their excessive sandy-ness (and/or muddy-ness)…..

I’m hoping the deck will help curtail some of that…and maybe leave our house a little cleaner…(I’m sure you’ve noticed my excessively messy tile floors)…..

Willow & Killian

I’d like a cleaner home…but I don’t want to relegate the animals outside…then it just wouldn’t be a home…it would just be a cleaner house…..

So that was the catalyst for my Plan #B…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~***~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Deck~~~~~~~~~~~~~***~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Time will tell…..

~Killian…Sloane…Ben…Willow…Acacias…& Molly…laying where the deck will be~

We’re not rushing…..

YouTube is helping…..

Again we’re applying that Twelve Step Program called “Life”…..

…..One Day At A Time…..

…Ben’s patient…







#akc #irishwolfhound #carpentry #homedepot #decking #porch #aa #alcoholicsanonymous #twelvestepprogram

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