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Air Conditioning is a life-line here in Florida…..

The pre-air-conditioned house architecture here in the South built houses that self-cooled in the summer…..

…nice veranda…but…it’s not my house…

The big encompassing verandas helped cool the air before the hot air entered the house…..

The houses were raised off the ground with crawl-spaces underneath to allow more air circulation…..

In addition…they were built with the prevailing breezes in mind…..

They’d have shotgun hallways down the middle from front to back to allow the wind to blow through and cool the adjacent rooms…..

Today’s architecture couldn’t care less.

Now cinderblock houses are slapped up anywhere…on cement slabs…facing the road…whichever way the road happens to be going…..

…..the wind-patterns aren’t considered at all…..

The houses are routinely air-conditioned………….except………….when they’re not…..

…(with no A/C this house is a stewpot in the South)…

…..which is the dilemma we find ourselves in right now…..

Our air conditioner has crapped out…..

It’s August 1st in the middle of a Florida summer…..

…..and we’ve got no air conditioning in our house (which was blue-printed for anywhere…any terrain…and any temperate-zone)…..

The upper pipe on the compressor should be copper-colored…not white…it’s frozen…

Both the external pipes involved with the air-handler (as well as the compressor) are frosting over and freezing…..

…..(they are the only things that are cold in this house)…..

The middle pipe is totally iced over…

The repairman has already come out…a new compressor motor has been ordered…and we await the arrival of the part…..

…..the internal house temperature is at 85+F degrees and rising…..

This is Day #5 and counting…..

Every available fan is oscillating on high…attitudes are low…clothing is minimal…iced tea is at the ready…..

…..and cold showers are highly sought after…..

It’s 95+ degrees outside today…with more forecasted heat on the horizon…..

…..we’re sitting in puddles of 85 degree sweat here on the couch…waiting…..

I can’t leave…I have to stay here with the hounds…..

Hot Sabine

When the necessary part does comes in…then the repairman will be scheduled to come back and install it…..

…..(but it’s the height of Florida’s summer heat and they’re super busy…so who knows when that will be)…..

…..then maybe we will (hopefully) be able to track down “the rest” of the issues with our Carrier A/C unit…..

…..(this particular unit is beginning to resemble a popular fruit)…..






#condenser #airhandler

#carrierairconditioner #veranda #a/c #airconditioner #floridasummer #ac #cinderblock #architecture

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