A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story


~~~Let me start by saying that I think the Elf on the Shelf is a snitch~~~

~~~And what’s with his feet?~~~

There’s been a marathon of back-to-back runnings of the movie, “A Christmas Story”.

I had my fill last night…

………….I’m done until next year…………sorry, Ralphie.

I wonder if the Higbee’s they refer to in the movie is the same Higbee’s store in Cleveland where my family would travel to each year in order to see Santa?

………………but, I don’t remember being put on a slide after seeing Santa Claus.


(See*****In Search Of A Shoeing Stock*****) 


But I would like to add that I have done my own version of the “tongue on the flag pole” scene———except mine were lips on a frosty propane tank.


And I wasn’t as patient as the kid in the movie.

I think I stood there for less than a minute………….maybe…

I remember the experience as being similar to ripping off a band-aid, except that I left my frozen lip epidermis on the icy tank.

I didn’t intend to exfoliate my lips……………and it really brought tears to my eyes…………..for a long, long time afterwards…………..

Patience is a good thing sometimes, and something I find that I am generally lacking………………usually………………quite often…………….inevitably……………it’s true…

Hind-sight……………..that’s usually what I function on…




I was at my friend Jane’s house across the street when all this happened…………….afterwards the hot chocolate from Jane’s Mom really smarted………..but I managed…


…………..moving on……………

On Christmas Eve, I put some whole kernel corn out for the reindeer to snack on…..(yes, I did).


We had gingerbread men cookies and frosted cut-out cookies for Santa to nibble…..(yes, we did).



What philosophy subscribes to———once it’s thought about, it exists?

I’ll subscribe to that philosophy.

Hence———Santa exists.



So it follows that the Easter Bunny and Gandalf exist too.




See it just goes to show, you have to be careful what you think about.





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