4 1/2″ to 5″ x 8′ Pressure Treated Fence Posts

4 1/2″ to 5″ x 8′ Pressure Treated Fence Posts



I almost killed the guy on the loading dock at Tractor Supply.

I felt so bad……………

He was younger than me (I?).

I bought forty fence posts for our new and improved pastures and fencing……….not the weenie-teeny ones, but not the huge ones or the gate posts either………..and certainly not the telephone pole posts.

I think the poor guy had COPD or something.  It was a hot and humid afternoon for this time of year.           He was suffering.

He really moved with slow deliberation and huffing and puffing, punctuated with lots of breaks and brow-mopping.

I found myself taking repeated deep breaths and holding them for him.

He made me look good…………..and that’s not easy to do.           So sad.

I tried to tip him………….he wouldn’t take it………….


I didn’t have my work gloves with me (I never seem to have them at the right times)…………………and I’ve had my fill of creosote for this lifetime……………….

Plus, these posts were pressure-treated with arsenic………………..so I remained an un-gloved spectator.

I think I’ll avoid that Tractor Supply in the future.  I don’t want to see the grease-stain-spot where that poor man succumbed after hefting his final fence post.

I’m glad I never smoked.  I was running track during my teenage, impressionable years.

Recently, I was amazed to hear how much a pack of cigarettes costs!

Wow!……………..that would really cut into my mediocre bourbon budget………………


Surprise………guess what!?!

I have go out now and fix some more fencing………!


The rains have started early this year, and I already can’t get back to the far corner of the back pasture………………the water is already above the top of my Wellington boots.



I have to get some hip boots.




It’s such a moccasin-haven back there right now…………………here’s the bright side to that…………….maybe the rising swamp water will drowned out the deadly-Night-Shade plants?!

Take that———poisonous plants!

Now you’re being replaced by a poisonous snake playground!


*****(Isn’t it the tomato plant that’s in the Night-Shade category?)-(I know you should never eat potato chips that have green edges……….or something like that……….)





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