~~2024 Hurricane Season Predictions~~

~~2024 Hurricane Season Predictions~~

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Well…it’s here again…..

The beginning of June marks the beginning of the Hurricane Season for us…here in sunny sub-tropical Florida…..

*****(NOAA’s 2024 Predictions)*****

I felt obligated to look it up…I didn’t want to…but it’s always better to be informed…..

2024 Atlantic hurricane Season Names: Alberto, Beryl, Chris, Debby, Ernesto, Francine, Gordon, Helene, Isaac, Joyce, Kirk, Leslie, Milton, Nadine, Oscar, Patty, Rafael, Sara, Tony, Valerie and William. Names provided by the World Meteorological Organization. Be prepared: Visit hurricanes.gov and follow @NWS and @NHC_atlantic on X.

So…that’s the line-up of names for 2024…..

…..and…I’d like to point out…Oscar’s on it…..

I want to think we won’t get that far in the alphabet…but we always do…(remember the one year (two years) that we made it a fair distance into the Greek alphabet after finishing with the XYZ’s?)…..

*****(Apparently The Greek Alphabet Is Out Now)*****

The following names are this year’s addendum hurricane names(?)…epilogue-names(?)–(more like epitaph-names)…one could say codicil-names…..

Supplemental names for Atlantic Hurricanes

Adria Braylen Caridad
Deshawn Emery Foster
Gemma Heath Isla
Jacobus Kenzie Lucio
Makayla Nolan Orlanda
Pax Ronin Sophie
Tayshaun Viviana Will

Source: World Meteorological Organization

I wonder who picked them…and why…and why is the Greek Alphabet out(?)…and do they change each season(?)…..

I wonder how Poseidon and Aeolus feel about this?…..

…..I sure don’t want to irritate them!…..

I worry about these things…(someone has to)…..

It’s time to fill up the auxiliary gasoline tanks…and the diesel tanks…and the propane tanks…it’s a tank kind-of-a-season…..

I keep the pantry well stocked all the time…(like when we lived in Ohio’s snow belt region & had to be ready for blizzards at all times)…so that’s pretty much taken care of…..

I’d need extra feed for the livestock…but that can only be stocked up on closer to “an event”…..

“Ole Sparky”

My older daughter reminded me that she’ll be fixing the generator…because “Old Sparky” was spluttering badly last hurricane season…..

Seeing what has happened throughout our country’s “tornado alley” has been gut-wrenching…..

And now apparently La Niña has taken over from El Niño…(truant brat)…..

*****(El Niño versus La Niña Weather Patterns)*****

Up next…is surviving through the summer…along with its nauseating expectations of hurricanes…..







#floridasgulfcoast #headache #ohiosnowbelt #dieselgenerator #gasgenerator

#noaa #elnino #lanina #greekalphabet #zeus #poseidon #aeolus #hurricanes #ohio

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