*The Hoof Abscess Saga…aka Addy’s Last Post*

*The Hoof Abscess Saga…aka Addy’s Last Post*

Addy…I miss you…

I had an entire post which had almost been completed prior to my recent cardiac “procedure”…(last Friday)…..

It was all about Addy’s hoof-health and how it had improved/resolved/& healed…..

Suzanne-Annette came over to bathe and body-clip the girls…to keep them more comfortable…(because their excessive winter coats are not necessary in Florida)…..

Addy was bathed…clipped…and happy on Wednesday…alert…with a good appetite…..

On Thursday morning…with my normal morning head-count…..

…..I found Addy laying down…unable to get up…and struggling to breathe…..?…..

Stevie Wonder (our large animal vet) was called…after multiple attempts…we couldn’t get her up…we couldn’t flip her over…(even with using tow ropes and the truck)…(the damned tractor was dead)…..

…..she was in pain…she couldn’t breathe adequately…and she was suffering…..

…..”that” decision had to be made…..

…..I made it…..

…..these things NEVER get easier………….they shouldn’t…..

Addy was put down…it was the kindest thing to do…..

I still am trying to wrap my head around it all………….I can’t………….I’m just lost…..

I’ve lost my friend…I’ve lost my riding horse…I’m just thoroughly lost…..

…..what’s happening here?…this is just too much to deal with…..

…..Oh………….and then the next day…I went in for heart surgery…..

…..what doesn’t kill us…makes us stronger…..(?)…..

…..I’m waiting for the bloodwork results…but it won’t bring her back…..

…..personally…I think it was cancer…..

…..I miss her…..


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“The  Hoof  Abscess  Saga”


Addy and my younger daughter and I are continuing Addy’s hoof treatment…..

…..(I’m treating all four…I’m already down there…I might as well)…..

But…this abscess is a big one…(and it worries me)…..

She’s still on her SMZ’s…twice daily…all eighteen pills…dissolved in water…morning and night…..

I shot some all over the kitchen ceiling last night…(I’m glad it’s white…it matches the paint much better than the splashed spaghetti sauce that’s already up there?)…..

My daughter snags the big girl…wherever she might be hiding in the front yard…(for being so large…she is able to camouflage herself quite creatively…it’s surprising)…..

I’ve found that hanging upside down…working on her hooves…with a wonky heart (along with excessive med’s)…..

…..makes you dizzy/wobbly/and pewky…..

Yesterday…when I stood up straight…I had to hang onto Addy’s tail for awhile until I got my bearings about which end was up…..

I had to wear Addy’s tail as a hat for awhile…I was so dizzy…..

I don’t recommend it…..

Addy was chill though…..

The hitching post propped me up…until I was ready to weave inside…..

But before that…I picked…and brushed…and sprayed…and syringed medication onto all of her hooves…..

…..this was while my daughter was hand-feeding Addy her ration of daily hoof supplement…(it’s not cheap…so I want to make sure she gets it and not the scavenging goats)…..

I’m alternating between treating with DuraSol and 7% Iodine…..

…(do you like my jewelry?…it’s important to look pretty while picking manure out of hooves)…

Mary Constance suggested that I irrigate the abscess’ hole with hydrogen peroxide just to make sure all of the crud is washed out…..

I learned something new…..

Doctor Brigid told me that formaldehyde is what formalin is called when it’s in gas form…..

…..so when I’m mixing the liquid with the iodine…..

I’m actually mixing/spraying/wearing/syringing…formalin…..

…..not formaldehyde…..

Bet ‘cha Didn’t Know That!…(you probably did…I just didn’t)…..

…..so all those hairless mice and frogs that were floating in formaldehyde-filled jars in your High School Biology classes…weren’t!…..

…..they were really suspended in Formalin!…ha!…..

And…that’s where we are at present…we keep repeating what we’re doing…..

……plus I’m making a point of syringing the formalin and iodine mixture right up inside those extra holes & folds that are still ouchie on Addy’s foot…..

…..and I’m trying really hard not to pass out while I’m under her…..


…..(and that’s where that post ended)….


***I’ll get back to some sort of routine and normalcy…some day soon…(I have to)…..***






#formalin #formaldehyde #durasol #iodine #hoofabscess #hydrogenperoxide #smz

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