The Christmas Tree Is Up?

The Christmas Tree Is Up?

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The Holidays are upon us…..

It’s a process…..

There are necessary steps to follow…..

…..and precautions to take…..

For example we have some very old/old ornaments from my family…going back a couple generations…..

…..they’re not going to see the light of day this year…they’re going to stay safely nestled in their tissue paper beds…..

…..(it takes lots and lots of luck for such fragile things to make it through multiple Christmases)…..

But again…this year…the Christmas tree’s decor will be the non-shatter-able kind…..

…..and there’s still no guarantee they’ll make it through the Holidays…..

Here’s another re-visited Holiday tradition…..

Prancer…(he’s looking pretty rough this year)…..

Prancer…(in the unforgiving light of day)

He’s in the wash-rack right now…(so Anja won’t rub on him)…while awaiting new lights…..

…..because the goats ate last year’s…while he was being stored in the barn…(in a less than secure location)…..

We’ve been going to the same tree farm to pick out our tree for years now…..

It’s become a pilgrimage of sorts…..

We’ve also learned to opt out of the little magic bottle that’s sold by the register…..

It’s promoted to extend your trees life…I mean you just finished sawing it down…what’s to extend?…..

…..we don’t use that elixir…because of the cats and dogs…who use the base of the tree as their special secret watering hole…..

…..and who knows what’s in that stuff…there’s a good chance it won’t be good for house pets…and the tree’s already a goner…..

At least the cats have (semi) matured beyond wanting to perch on the branches…..


… year…that was a thing…they all had to try…..

I count my blessings that we haven’t had too many litters of Irish Wolfhound puppies at Christmas-time…..

The last time that happened the tree looked like a war-zone…..

And this year…..

I have to admit…some of our Halloween decorations never got taken down…..

… to make them more Holiday-appropriate…..

…..I got some little Santa hats to put on the bats and the Headless Horseman…..

Over the year…(through trial and a lot of error)…..

…..we’ve become pro’s at defensive baking…..

Our cookie success-ratio has drastically improved since the pie-safe was nailed up high on the wall above Wolfhound reach-ability…..

…..(except for the year when Copernicus pulled the entire cooling rack of cookies down for everyone)…..

And that’s why we have bottles and bottles of stockpiled hydrogen peroxide…just for those occasions…..

…..(you people with errant pets know what I mean)…(it’s messy)…(but a very effective regurgitant)…..

…(a Wolfhound’s post-vomitus Santa’s hat)…

Where was I?…..

I digress…..

So the tree’s up………….kind of………….for the moment…..

I’ve given up trying to stop the hoard from sneaking sips out of the tree-water…or trying to eat/destroy the decor…..

…..(I’ve made it part of the Holidays expectations)…..

The Christmas cards are about to go out…(well not actually………….I’m lying)…..

…..and the Holidays are well underway…..

Ahhhhhh………….(a relaxing Christmas Selfie)…


…..(isn’t it time for a Mediocre Bourbon & Coke?)…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Merry Christmas To All~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




#jimbeam #makersmark #jackdaniels #oldcrow


#prolongchritmastreepreservative #miraclegrowchristmastree #christmastreepreservative 

#irishwolfhounds #christmastree #christmas #lazylaytreefarm #permagrowvintagechristmastree

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