~~~~~Old Goats~~~~~

~~~~~Old Goats~~~~~

My Older Daughter & Her Goat—(Hey, I know it’s blurry, but I’m a proud Mom)…

It’s inevitable…..

Sooner or later…..

We all become Old Goats…..

(I still haven’t perfected the art of taking a selfie)…(don’t you love that slack-jawed look?)…

…..it’s important to get comfortable with the whole concept of aging…..

Alanna now…

Alanna is my older daughter’s old Saanen doe…..

They did a lot of shows together…..

My Daughter Showing Her Goat…

I don’t even know how old Alanna is now…..

…..but I know my daughter hasn’t shown a dairy goat in a long…..long time…..

My Daughter At Another Goat Show…

…..so that makes Alanna…..ancient…..

She’s creaky when she walks…..

…..I don’t think her vision is very good…..

…..she’s got a droopy old udder…..

…..collagen vacated the premises a long time ago…..

But Alanna is there at the gate anytime my daughter is out in the pasture…..

…..she dutifully follows her around…..

My Daughters At Yet ANOTHER Goat Show…(FYI—the blurry photos are compulsory)…

…..I’m sure Alanna would willingly muster the energy to prance into a show ring once again if requested…..

I love how old doe goats develop such long beards in their old age…..

Alanna’s Sticker-Filled Beard…..(and her tooth-less-ness)…(I’ll suggest to my daughter that she should start chewing Alanna’s food for her)…

…..I shouldn’t be surprised…..

…..I’ve got more whiskers on my chin than ever before…..

Alanna and I are just two old goats…..

It’s hard to believe so many years have passed since my daughters were in 4-H and regularly showing dairy goats…..

…..some of me misses it…..

(I promise this is my last blurry goat show picture with my daughters)…

…..most of me doesn’t…..

Although…..Alanna does act like she’d be willing to take another spin around the show ring with my older daughter at a moment’s notice…..







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