~Moldy Tea~

~Moldy Tea~

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You know what I hate…..?…..

…..(I guess the title’s a give-away)…..

But I do…..I HATE “off-tea”…..

We guzzle a lot of tea here…..we have a multitude of blends and bags and bushels…..

We’ve got pots that whistle and steam and pour out of their noses and mouths and petals and arms…..

Our favorite is “The Big Girl”…..

…..she’s a maroon monstrosity that holds voluminous amounts of tea…..

…..sometimes we get ahead of ourselves and make more than what is easily consumable in one (or two), or maybe even three days)…..(oops)…..

We have a set recipe for the combination of tea bags in “The Big Girl”…..

…..two Family-Sized Luizianne bags…..

***Luzianne Tea…A Southern Tradition***

…..three Red Rose bags…..

…..and three green tea bags…..(because they’re healthy for you)…..

Florida really doesn’t ever warrant needing a tea-cozy for the pot…..

…..besides…I bastardize my cup with a zap in the microwave…..(and there go all of the health benefits)…..

But sometimes…..

…..an errant pot of steeped tea…..hangs around an eensy-weensy bit longer than intended…..

And when I stagger out in the morning…..looking forward to that warm/welcoming cup of tea…..

I pour it lovingly…..I heat its wonderfulness…..I doll it up with the appropriate accoutrements…..

…..and I sit down…..for that first sip…..

…..to take that first swallow of all-encompassing liquid-love…..

*********************!!!!!AND BLAM!!!*********************!!

A  cloying/indelible aroma attacks my senses…..

…..I can’t break the momentum of the rapidly-ensuing…..suck & swallow…..

…..and it’s TOO late…..

I’ve just taken a huge gulp of “Off-Tea”…..


Oh…..the sadness…..

…..the early morning optimism plummets…..the day’s out-look and expectations take a nose-dive…..

…..the promised-dismal-omen of a piss-poor-day is waiting in the wings…..

The smell is tattooed in my sinuses for the rest of the day…..the sides of my tongue need a good wire-brush scrubbing…..

…..how can something so simply wonderful turn out so depressingly wrong!?!…..

It’s a good thing I’m not entrusted with any important embassadorial meetings or detante decisions…..

…..my moldy tea has clouded my vision…my perspective…my mind-set…..such sadness…..

…..and the day begins…..






***Quick Solution:  Drink More Tea  &  Drink It Faster***

#hottea #greentea #luziannetea #detantedecisions #redrosetea

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