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I was going to write this post long before now…..

…..but the elementals took and hid the new ghostbuster-thingie…..

It’s taken months of searching to re-discover where it was hidden…..

…..and then it just showed up again…..

Things like that happen here…all the time…..

Call it aged-dementia…old-fashioned forgetfulness…stress…or a mischievous plot by the elves & fairies…..

…..You Decide…..

Living on (in) a swamp has it’s oddities…..

Addy’s Orb Angels
Claire and Finley’s arrival…(with an audience of angel orbs)…

…..floating orbs…lots of things that go bump in the night…shadows following and staring at you…..

…..you know………….presences…..

Our House as viewed from the swamp…



…..my Father used to call “them”—–the resident “Grungies”…..

…..that works for me…..

Our house grungy constantly hides things…or more likely…a passel of the little dudes…..

We co-exist here…there’s lots of activity in the swamp…..

…..we don’t ask questions…we just go with the flow…..

You can call me an old flake…or maybe a hippie who just didn’t make it out of the Seventies without permanent metamorphosis’s…..

…..I prefer to think that I’m just allowing and open-minded…(and maybe occasionally a little indulgent)…..

We did feel a need for a ghostbuster-thingie…(along with some other “fringe equipment”)…..

What is a Ghostbuster-Thingie…you might find yourself thinking?…..

Well…I’m glad you asked…..

…..the short answer is………….I’m not sure…..

…..so…there’s that…..

But…it’ll keep us busy…..

…..walking around the property clicking at things…the neighbors won’t be alarmed (it’s just another day at the oasis for us)…..

…..but…who knows what we might find?…..

It’s kind of like modern-day dousing equipment…which I also have…(don’t dis’ the old tried & true methods)…..

I’ll be checking for ley lines and vortexes and portals………….(if it’s okay with the grungies)…..

I’ll keep you posted…(or will I?)…..

…..to infinity………….and beyond…..






#midsummernightsdream #puck #leylines #vortex #portal #dousing #pooka #dousingrods #

#joshgates #ghostbuster #rffrequencies #emfdetection #magneticfrequencies #emf #elves #fairies

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