*Duck Weather*

*Duck Weather*

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Bernadette  &  Penny

Our ducks love the rainy season…the swamp loves it…we’ve had a surplus of rainfall going into the dry season this year…..

I won’t complain…..

…..but if I’ve learned anything over the years…don’t under-estimate or assume you know what Mother Nature’s up to…..

…..the Lady can change her mind…..

…..and often does…..

But…ducks will always be attracted to water & mud…(that’s a Universal-Constant)…..

We have Runner Ducks in our front yard and pastures…and Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks in the back swamp…..

Our Runner Ducks

*****Whistling Ducks*****

The Whistlers stay all day…they’re fairly quiet…but then at sunset…with a lot of chatter…they take off in unison for somewhere else…..

Whistling Ducks in the Swamp

Apparently our swamp is for their daytime-romp only…..

I’m assuming they go elsewhere…maybe to a more secluded/quieter swamp for sleeping?…..

I wonder why they just don’t stay here overnight…I mean…what’s wrong with our swamp?…..

…..but they leave and come back daily…very raucously…both at daybreak and sunset…..

…..places to go…people to see…..

I suppose they whistle…but honestly…it sounds more like clacking-jabber than whistling…..

…..there are a lot of them…..

…..lots of chatter…..

Our Runner Ducks don’t inter-mingle with the Whistlers…..

…..they stay in the front…..

Bernadette, Penny & Raj…

I’ve had to stop putting water pans in the coop…plus I’ve had to stop filling the five-gallon automatic-waterer too…..

The ducks are just too irresponsible around unsupervised water…..

…..they drain and stomp in anything that holds water…..

…..they made the coop into a muddy mess…until I worked out what was happening…..

…..I just kept filling the five-gallon waterer every day…and they kept draining it every night…..

The coop got so deep with mud that it was almost over the tops of our boots…..

…..(I was a little slow on the uptake figuring out what was happening)…..

…..THEN the boogers learned how to turn on the hose’s spigot!…..

…..(I still don’t know how they did it)…(so I turned off the handle with a wrench—and that stopped that)…..

…..(irresponsible ducks)…..

…..Ducks…Mud…and Water………….Water…Mud…and Ducks…..

…..they’re inseparable…..

Runner Ducks…….running…
…duck egg in the mud…Why?…





#mud #motherearth #mothernature

#hurricaneseason #2022hurricaneseason #hurricanefiona #runnerducks #whistlingducks #hurricaneian

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