***Cocaine Sharks***

***Cocaine Sharks***

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This week is the television’s Annual Shark Week…..

The T.V. explodes with shark movies and shark documentaries…..

*****(Information on Shark Week hosted by Jason Momoa)*****…(he’s so pretty)…..

…..I’ve already seen a lot of the different programs…..

But here’s a new twist…..

I recently saw some coverage on the nightly news…..

~~~***…..Cocaine Sharks…..***~~~

Apparently it’s a thing…..

Florida (on both of its coastlines) and all of the States who backup on the Gulf of Mexico have a great deal of drug trafficking…..

As a result…there’s a high chance of being chased down by the U.S. Coast Guard…..

…..while the smugglers are trying not to get caught with “the goods”…..

…..apparently a lot of drugs get dumped overboard…..

…..tossed right into the waters in the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean…..

The smugglers heave their contraband to avoid getting arrested with the drugs on board…..

…..it’s their last ditch effort…trying not to get caught…..

I guess it makes sense…that the subsequent dumped drugs would infuse into the salt water…..

And…I guess the sea life passing through the water or sitting at the bottom…could get high off their drug-laced environment?…..

Wow!…I never would have thought of that…..

But it’s something to consider…..

…..poor tripping sharks…..

I’m going to check and see if there are any studies of sea life and drug-saturated water…..

…..after doing a cursory search on the internet…apparently…there are a number of studies to that effect…..

*****(Science Times Article)*****

*****(Dive Magazine’s Coverage)*****

*****(Not Just Cocaine)*****

I wonder if that would go so far as affecting the Gulf shrimp we eat?…..

…..something to think about…..

But all of this should not be confused with that poor Cocaine Bear…..

Pablo Eskobear

*****(The Cocaine Bear)*****






#pabloescobar #jasonmomoa

#cocaineshark #drugsmugglinginthegulfofmexico #pabloescobear #drugsmuggling 

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