*****Bee Target*****

*****Bee Target*****

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I’d forgotten to mention…..

Remember the recent dressage show that I went to with Ester…..

It was an over-cast day…not super hot…maybe a little humid…but relatively pleasant for Florida…..

There’s a reason I am telling you this…..

…..while I was out there…in a large open field…with everyone else…..

I had a honey bee land on my upper arm…and I watched…as she very deliberately…got into position…and stung me(?)…..

*****I was really surprised*****

I was wearing an olive-colored long sleeved top…a black embroidered maxi-skirt…and a heather gray over-sized vest…(I’d forgotten my hat)…..

…..I’m stating all of these things…because honey bees prefer colors (you know…like flowers)…..

…..oranges…and reds…and yellows…..

…..and I was wearing nothing like that…..

Then after a couple hours had passed…I felt another bee sting me…under my shirt…on my ribs(?)…..

…..I had to fish the poor baby out of my clothing…she was done for…..

Good thing I’m used to bees and hives…and I’m not allergic…and I’m sort of used to being stung…..

…..(except for my very loud & surprised expletives…which were thoroughly inappropriate for a dressage show)…..

But I got to thinking…..


Cloudy day…drab-colored clothes…just me as a victim…the end of summer…..


…..the end of summer………….a dearth…..

…..(What’s A Dearth?)…..

So…there had to be hives somewhere within a five mile radius…and they had to be hungry…..

But still…Why Me?…..

…..I didn’t see anyone else cursing…or jumping around…or being stung…..

…..And Then…..

I Had That “Ah—Ha” Moment…..

I was wearing essential oils…..

I love essential oils…..

Apparently honey bees do too…..

I knew that…..

*****(Use of Essential Oils in Beekeeping)*****

I just didn’t apply it to myself…..

*****(But I Wasn’t Wearing Lemongrass Oil!)*****

…(one of many Thieves Oil recipes)…

I was wearing “Thieves Oil”…which is a variable recipe of different oils…spearmint and lemongrass not being one of them…(honey bees like spearmint and lemongrass)…..

*****(Mother Earth News—Beekeeping & Essential Oils)*****

…(I mowed my lemongrass down by mistake…”they” said it was a hardy plant…it wasn’t that hardy)…

…..(Note To Self:—I like Mother Earth News…when did my subscription run out?)…..

Anyway………….I guess the mystery was solved…I must’ve been the only one wearing essential oils in the crowd…..

…..and even though they weren’t the first line of preferred beekeeping oils…the honey bees were hungry and desperate…..

Whoever their keeper is…he or she should be feeding them now…..

Bee Hive Feeder

~~~~~I intend to start up my hives again~~~~~

But a few things had to happen first…..

I had to get my heart fixed…(so I could more easily run from angry bees)…(I think I might have it fixed now)…..

I had to get the bees up and out of the wet ground of the swamp (I’ve done that with the decking)…..

And I think I’ve discovered that the bees won’t eat sugar syrup made with store-bought…(GMO’d) sugar…..

…..because mine wouldn’t eat it…and they absconded (packed their bee-suitcases and moved on)…for greener pastures and better syrup…..

BUT—–I’m now in the midst of currently fighting the installation of a 5-G cell phone tower behind our swamp…..

…..did you know you CAN NOT argue potential health concerns or the harm to beekeeping (because the EMP’s confuse the directionality of the bees and they can easily get lost and die?)…..

*****(The 1996 Telecommunications Act)*****

The above mandate says you can not argue that cell towers can/could/do cause health issues…(I can’t see it in the verbage…but the “Powers That Be” will trot that Act out in a heartbeat to argue you down)…..

I thought you might like to know…but…THAT battle is on-going…and I’m currently deep in the trenches thereof…..

*****(Negative Research Regarding Cell Tower Affects On Honey Bees)*****

…..I’m sure there’s more to follow…..






#emp #rfp #verizon #dressage #honeybees

#apiary #cellphonetowers #telecommunicationtower #thievesoil #essentialoil #honeybeedearth

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