…….Back To The Fox Hunt…….

…….Back To The Fox Hunt…….

…..Dr. Atkins is disappointed with me…..

…..I’m ashamed of myself…..

…..but…..I’m back on my diet now…..after havingĀ been bitch-slapped by the good Doctor…..

…..I’ve had a pleasant run…..shall we be trotting home again…..?…..

…..but answers there were none…..

…..and this was scarcely odd because, she’d eaten every one…..

~~~~~I do love that poem~~~~~

…..and look…..our government is doing it’s own caucus-dance right now…..!


*****Alice In Wonderland’s Caucus Race*****

…..where was I…..?…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Opening Hunt Meet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Did I mention it was fabulous…..!…..

Our Hunt Club members were the hosts…..

…..there were a lot of guests…..and visitors…….

…..(more than I’d expected)…..

All of Fox Hunting’s pomp & ceremony was on display during the Opening Hunt Meet…..

…..Western riders as well as English riders were invited…..

…..our Polaris was packed to the gills with spectators & photographers…..

…..the vast majority of non-riding spouses remained behind…..

…..(and polished off the port)…..

…..champagne was everywhere…..

…..along with some very nice salted-caramel whiskey…..

…..just saying…..

As I mentioned before…..

…..Devana and her foxhounds were a polished team…..

…..even though the day was “a blank” (scent-wise)…..

*****Definition Of “Blank” In Fox Hunting*****

…..it still amazes me that our Huntsman can control such a large pack of foxhounds with just her voice, a hunt whip, and her horn…..

…..our Whipper-Ins are adept at their jobs as “in-the-field-management” of the pack…..

*****Whipper-In’s Role*****

*****Whipper-In’s in Government*****

…..but knowing my unruly pack of Irish Wolfhounds (only seven)-(I can’t keep butter in a dish on the kitchen counter…..much less call them off a squirrel)…..

…..knowing what the staff is able to accomplish in the field…..on a wild chase…..

…..with a controlled (or not so controlled) herd of thundering-hooved enthusiasts behind them…..

…..and still collect the hound pack into the trailer at the end of the day…..

…..it’s all absolutely amazing…..!!!…..

For me…..trail riding is relaxing……horse showing…..not so much…..(I don’t have the necessary tolerance or manners for it)…..

…..but Fox Hunting…..!?!…..

…..it’s that wild/unpredictable/reliable-decorum that has me reeled-in thoroughly…..

…..why trot down a trail…..?…..when you can haul-ass over palmettos and careen through trees and limbs…..?…..

…..all in an organized-avalanche at break-neck speed…..

…..or a Clydesdale’s mosey…..

Fox Hunting has preceded me and will be around long after me…..

…..I’m glad to be one little part of something so extraordinarily historic…..

Opening Hunt





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