…..again with the pigs!!!…..

…..again with the pigs!!!…..

Apparently we are extremely slow learners…..

Or maybe the pigs are just faster than we are…..

It seems like so many of my recent posts are about our on-going-pig-saga…..

…..if you ever want an easy (and quick) reproducible supply of meat…..or pets…..or bridge partners…..or…..that extra hand for a game of canasta…..

…..then, I highly recommend keeping pigs…..

We don’t seem to be able to get ahead of “that-pig-population-curve”…..

…..what can I say…..we have very friendly pigs…..

New Babies

But we think we have a plan…..

…..this time…..

…..we do…..

…..we really do…..

…..this time…..

Yesterday (however) was one of those days…..where you just want to go into the cabinet…..

…..under the kitchen sink…..

…..and shut the door…..

It started when I went out the back door…..

…..and I saw a very big crow in one of the trees…..just staring down at me…..

…..then I saw another “crow” swoop through the back yard…..

…..and a couple more followed…..

…..(remember I’m blind in one eye…..but I know when to yell for backup)…..

…..my older daughter rallied to my bellowing…..

…..then she told me that the really big crows were actually normal-sized vultures…..

…..es ist nicht gut…..


So off to the goat pasture we quickly jogged…..to the point of origin where the first vulture had appeared…..

Nothing was dead…..


The birds must’ve been hedging their bets…..and being patient…..

The pig sty was a mud-mire again…..(from the recent rains)…..

…..but there was something amiss…..

#1…..there was a muddy/feathery/weird-ish mound in the middle of the pig-muck…..

#2…..(over in one of the drier corners) there was a little conclave of newborn piglets…..

(…..but…..I thought we had separated the boys from the girls…..?…..)

…..(apparently not)…..

Problem #1…..I will expound on in another post…..

Problem #2…..is enough of a Lulu to take up all of this one…..

So…..immediately…..Patrice and I had to scale the fence & wade into the slop…..

…..again with being bare-footed in the slop…..!…..

…..boots are irrelevant…..

…..the mud’s too deep…..

…..(I’d have to hose off my feet anyway…..plus the boots)…..

…..(this activity is NOT for the faint of heart)…..

…..(but if you can’t stand the heat…..get out of the kitchen)…..

…..(just replace “heat” with “mud”…..and “kitchen” with “pig sty”)…..

I reached the puddle of piglets and literally did a bucket-brigade to my daughter…..

…..all the baby piglets were re-united with their Mom…..

…..she took over from there…..

…..with the exception of one little piglet who had some hypothermia-issues…..

…..(it had been one of those rare cold nights for Florida)…..

The remainder of the day, he spent wrapped up in a towel on my chest…..

…..while I soaked my feet in hot water and Epsom salts (and antibiotics)…..

…..(we all know that the pig sty mud isn’t “just” mud…..right?)







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